Oh, Hi There
And welcome to the birth of my blog.
You’ll notice a few new looking things around here. The site got an upgrade! It got a little dolled up with a new wordpress theme, something which is still a work in progress, but I’m happy with how its looking. You’ll notice under each of the photos of portraits I’ve completed, there are social sharing buttons (for sharing on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook). You will receive one “high-five” from me personally (actually virtually) every time you share a photo!
On this blog, I shall post photos of works in progress and finished works, add links to sites on the web that tickle my fancy, share photos of animals that I long to paint (including goldfish) and give you a more inside look into the extreme world of pet portraiture!
So don’t forget to stop by and take a peak. Also, you can follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter (as soon as I learn how to tweet!).
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